A gum disease bug may cause Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. Could this help in finding a cure for this disease and boosting the health and wellness of patients with this disease?
Health News
Type 1 Diabetes Cure? Link Between Rotavirus Vaccination and Lower Rates of Type 1 Diabetes
Is this a type 1 diabetes cure? Read more about what health and wellness Australian researchers found about rotavirus vaccine and type 1 diabetes rates.
New Ebola Outbreak in Congo – Spread May Continue for Months – Is There an Ebola Vaccine?
The new Ebola outbreak will persist for more than six months. What are the reasons? Is there an Ebola vaccine available?
What is the Dukan Diet? What Can You Eat?
Kate Middleton and her mom are said to be followers of this diet.
Does Intermittent Fasting Cause Ketosis and Lead to Weight Loss?
But there is an upside to it. When your body is low in glycogen, it releases fat cells in your bloodstream.
FDA Approves New Migraine Treatment and Prevention Drug
In May this year, the FDA approved a new class of migraine medications. These drugs are designed to fight migraine headaches before they could even start.