Kissing is a form of physical affection among loved ones. You kiss your mother or a child. But when people ask about kissing while dating, they meant it in the context of a romantic relationship before marriage.
So, can Christians kiss while dating? Does God forbid it?
There’s nothing in the Bible that will tell you whether or not it is sinful to kiss. Some forms of kissing may be wrong. It still depends on the relationship and the degree of passion involved.
But some Christians refrain from kissing their partners until marriage because they don’t want to face the temptations associated with it.
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Why Do Some Christians Kiss While Dating and Others Don’t?
The Scripture only tells romantic love between married men and women. It does not explicitly forbid kissing between unmarried people.
In that case, a Christian couple who is still dating but engaged does not sin because they are sharing a kiss that retains their purity.
However, some Christians believe that it is unwise.
They warn that kissing can lead to a make-out session. In today’s hookup world, it can be difficult to pursue holiness. It requires a lot of courage and other-worldliness.
A long make-out session is not the proper way for young men to treat younger women. Why kiss or make out with someone if you don’t intend to marry the person?
But there are forms of kissing that can be appropriate. For instance, you can kiss one on the cheek. It is a form of non-romantic greeting between two people. The Apostle Paul encourages greeting one another with a holy kiss.
A holy kiss in this context is described as a non-romantic kiss. It involves gently touching the skin or it can be done in the air near the other person’s cheek.
Why Wait to Kiss Until Marriage?
As mentioned, kissing is not inherently single. But you may want not to kiss until you are married.
The reason for this is that the wedding is a commitment ceremony that secures your relationship. Keep in mind that a wedding can still be called off. Thus, you may have to wait until you have exchanged vows with God and each other.
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Does Kissing Violate a Person’s Purity?
It depends on how you kiss. But most forms of kissing do lead to experiences that will violate a person’s purity. This is one reason that many Christians refrain from participating in a passionate kiss before marriage.
Remember that the Bible commands purity before marriage. According to Matthew, a person who looks at a woman with lustful intent has committed adultery. Galatians also said that you should walk by the Spirit and will not gratify your desires of the flesh.
Some Christians believe that the best way to remain pure before marriage is to avoid putting themselves in a position that would tempt them to impurity. And they know that passionate kissing can lead to impurity and sexual immorality.
It is a matter of wisdom. It will help you save the affections of your future spouse.
The more hours you spend alone with your partner, even though you have the firm intention of chastity, the more likely you will lose control completely.
That’s why most Christians who wish to serve God have a good sense to remain chaste by limiting their time alone with their partners.
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Guarding Your Thoughts
When you are still dating, it is vital to always guard your thoughts. Don’t let your mind stray toward lustful thoughts.
You may be engaged and are planning to get married. But if you still want to free yourself of sexual immorality You must only be thinking pure thoughts.
Thus, if kissing makes you start thinking about sexual immorality, it is best to avoid it.
Kissing can lead to a chemical reaction in your brain. It activates the hormone oxytocin, which is also referred to as the love hormone.
When you kiss your partner, your body releases dopamine. That’s why you feel good. The happy hormones make you feel euphoric. The more you get these hormones, the more you want them.
Furthermore, romantic kissing less to sexual arousal, which is the driving force behind having sex with someone.
While kissing your partner, you are releasing saliva, which contains testosterone. It is a sex hormone that plays a vital role in sexual arousal. The more passionately you kiss, the more testosterone is released.
Sex is created by God to attach a husband and wife. However, our bodies can bond with the other person through various forms of physical affection. And it includes kissing.
During kissing, happy hormones are released. God intended to attach a husband and wife in marriage. Thus, if you are not married yet, you need to be careful in soul ties that form outside of marriage.
Romantic kissing always leads to sexual arousal. Thus, it is best to avoid it before marriage.
Even if you don’t intend to make love with your partner, your body is still designed to bond and crave sex after kissing. Thus, it is ideal to avoid making out with a person you are not married.
Should You Wait Until Marriage to Kiss or Make Out?
It may sound crazy. However, many Christians avoid it until marriage. You may think it is crazy. But if you study the Word of God, you may be enlightened.
Many Christian couples have made out while they were still dating. However, if you contemplate how soul ties are formed through a simple kiss, you will realize that kissing is a big deal.
Now that you understand how making out can cause sexual arousal, you may want to avoid it before you are married.
The main point here is the result of kissing. It is hard to kiss someone without sexual intent.
Kissing can easily lead to other physical activities. For that reason, it is just easier not to kiss to prevent your mind and body from wanting more.
Ultimately, kissing before marriage is still a personal decision. Some Christians kiss while dating and they are now happily married. If you decide to wait until marriage to kiss your partner, then we applaud you. You get to kiss your future spouse for the rest of your life.
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