[Updated on 8/13/22] Herbalife tea is touted as a popular, weight loss tea. But it’s also a controversial tea because it’s distributed by Herbalife, an MLM company. Before drinking a cup of this tea, consider knowing some of its facts first. And today, I’m going to give you the answer to one of the frequently asked questions about Herbal Tea Concentrate: “Does Herbalife Tea really burn belly fat?”
Does Herbalife Tea Really Burn Belly Fat?
So, you want to lose weight but you just don’t want to exercise.
That’s why you’re eager to know if Herbal Tea Concentrate is also a Herbalife fat burner.
Before answering your question, let’s first know how you got your beer belly.
Keep reading …
How You Gained Belly Fat Anyway?
Most of us eat a lot of sugar each day. We just do not realize it, sadly. It is especially true if you are eating muffins, cakes, and candies and drink a lot of sweet tea and coffee.
In some studies, researchers found that people who are taking a high amount of sugar every day have excess belly fat because of the high fructose content of the food.
Fructose-sweetened drinks can decrease your insulin sensitivity while gaining belly fat. Even fruit juice is not advisable.
Yes, even the unsweetened ones. They contain a lot of sugar.
An apple juice, for instance, contains 24 grams of sugar. They do contain some vitamins and minerals. However, their fructose content can cause you to be insulin resistant, thereby, promoting belly fat gain.
Furthermore, fruit juices are easy to consume. Thus, you can easily drink too much of it.
Then, your sedentary lifestyle is also a culprit. We are becoming less active. Thanks to digital technology.
We tend to watch more than three hours of TV or Netflix each day. And if you want to eat, you can just order online. There is no need to cook. And the food that you ordered is junk with no nutrients. Hence, your belly fat.
Cortisol is another factor that makes your belly protrude. This is a hormone that is necessary for survival. It is also known as the stress hormone that assists your body during a stressful situation.
However, if it is produced excessively, it can cause weight gain in the abdominal region.
What’s more is that if you are stressed out, you tend to overeat. The excess calories will not be stored as fat throughout your body. Rather, the high amount of cortisol in your body will store the extra fats in your belly.
These are not the only factors that can make you gain fat in your belly. A small change in your eating habits and lifestyle can do the trick.
If you try to eliminate sugary foods in your diet, for instance, you will notice that you have a smaller waistline.
I’m not going to lie to you…
It will not happen overnight.
Now to answer the burning question.
Herbal Tea Concentrate or Herbalife tea ALONE won’t burn belly fat.
It can help burn calories and fats in the abdominal area.
But you cannot just drink this tea many times a day, eat junk food, no exercise and hope you will lose weight in that area.
This is the truth.
For weight loss to happen with this tea, you need to pair it with exercise and reduce your calorie intake. With proper diet and exercise, weight loss can happen.
And to boost your weight loss, you must try intermittent fasting.

Does Herbalife Tea Really Burn Belly Fat If Consumed After a Fast?
Drinking Herbalife tea or Herbal Tea Concentrate can support intermittent fasting benefits. It is a keto-friendly drink so you can take it while still in a fasting state.
But you can also drink it before breaking your fast.
For instance, you may wish to work out first before your fast ends. By drinking Herbalife tea before working out, you will notice that you are sweating a lot as it speeds up your metabolism.
The reason for this is that the tea has caffeine, which helps in burning fats in the body and transforms them into energy.
You will not feel hot, though. You will just sweat. With that, it gives you more energy to exercise.

And to take advantage of that effect, you should do ab exercises. There are a lot of them. Here are two of the best exercises on how to lose body fat and continue losing weight.
Bicycle Crunches: To burn significant calories through this exercise, you need to do it for 30 minutes. However, if that is not possible, consider adding other types of high intensity exercise that can burn calories and promote fat burning.
Crunches on a Ball: This is a simple crunch but you are lying on a medicine ball. This exercise targets the abs, making it an effective overall exercise to burn body fat and lose belly fat.
If you want a complete ab workout, you may watch this video as it may help you reduce your waistline
After doing those exercises to burn fat or lose belly fat, you take a rest and hydrate yourself with a cold Herbal Tea Concentrate to ensure that your body will continue to burn belly fat.
Make sure that you do not eat junk food or processed food. Proper dieting is the key here. With a healthy diet, you can lose fat, prevent insulin resistance, and boost your metabolism.
Indeed, intermittent fast lets you eat anything. However, if you eat junk and sugary food, then you are just replacing the calories that you have burned or lost during fasting. Your visceral fat will remain.
Check this out.

How to Drink Herbalife Tea to Really Burn Belly Fat?
As mentioned earlier, Herbal Tea Concentrate alone cannot burn belly fat. If you continue to eat junk, sugary foods and drink sugary beverages, you will not lose your belly fat no matter how many cups of Herbalife tea you drink.
But there is a proper way to drink Herbalife tea to really help you burn belly fat.
The first thing you must do is reduce your calories.
Try intermittent fasting. Before you can get started with IF, you should start taming your craving. Start by eating three meals a day. Do not eat snacks. Then, try eating two meals per day.
Eating increases your insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone. Its main role is to regulate glucose levels in the blood. It helps the cells in absorbing glucose.
It causes weight gain when your cells absorb too much glucose. Your body converts this glucose into fat.
Your meal must contain at least 3 ounces of protein. However, you should not go beyond 6-ounce because too much protein can also stimulate insulin.
And no sugar. Just do not add sugar to your coffee, Herbalife tea or any beverage that you prepare. Sugar increases your insulin and this hormone and too much of it can cause weight gain.
Then, do not forget to eat healthy fats. These fats let you feel full for a lot longer so you can go without eating for many hours.
Thus, they are perfect if you are doing intermittent fasting. With healthy fats, you can do one to three meals per day without getting hungry all the time.
During your fasting state, you can drink unsweetened Herbalife tea to boost your body’s fat-burning ability.
Does Herbalife tea really burn belly fat? It does help burn belly fat. It contains caffeine that stimulates fat burning. It boosts your fat-burning ability, especially when you drink it before exercise.
But do not just drink Herbal Tea Concentrate without reducing your calorie intake and taking regular exercise.
You cannot just drink this tea, sit all day, and hope that your belly fat will be gone tomorrow.
You must pair it with proper diet and exercise. If you are not into dieting, you can do intermittent fasting.
On to you.
Have you used Herbal Tea Concentrate? Did it help you burn belly fat? Please share your experience with us in the comments section below. Or buy Herbalife Tea Concentrate here with FREE shipping here.
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