Aloe vera is touted to offer many benefits to the skin. It’s a modest houseplant that can nourish the skin and improves digestion. It can be used topically or can be ingested. In this post, let’s talk about how aloe vera works on skin.
Keep reading to know more.
Read: How to Use Aloe Vera to the Hair?
How Aloe Vera Works on Skin?
Many products for the skin contain aloe vera. When you find a product for sunburn, you will find aloe vera as the main ingredient.
One reason for this is that this plant has cooling properties. With its anti-inflammatory characteristics, it can remedy your sunburned skin. It helps in retaining moisture while it adds a protective layer to the skin.
With its antioxidants, it can boost the healing process.
Another way the aloe vera works on the skin is to moisture it. It doesn’t work like a market-bought moisturizer. The reason for this is that it doesn’t leave any greasy film on the skin. Rather, it unclogs the pores while it softens them.
Aloe vera is also useful as an aftershave treatment. Thanks to its ability to keep the skin hydrated. It also helps in healing burns because of razors, nicks, and cuts.
Here are other reasons many people are obsessed with aloe vera.
- Heals wounds. As mentioned, it’s beneficial for cuts, injuries, and burns. With aloe’s anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce the time it takes for your skin to heal. It also speeds up skin cell reproduction.
- Fights skin aging. Aloe vera is high in vitamin C, E and beta carotene. With its vitamins and minerals content, it can be used as an anti-aging tool. It can also eradicate skin blemishes because of its anti-microbial properties.
- Reduces infection. That’s why it’s great at healing acne. It gently cleanses the skin and treats pimples with its antibacterial properties. It is antiseptic, too.
- Lightens blemishes. It contains properties that can boost skin cell production. Thus, it can help in reducing redness while it can effectively fight skin inflammation. It’s also a useful way to treat stretch marks and acne marks.
Read: Is It Safe to Apply Aloe Vera on Your Face Every Day?
Can We Apply Aloe Vera on Face Daily?
Aloe vera is a natural treatment that you can safely apply to your face. I used to apply Herbalife aloe soothing gel on my face every day as a moisturizer. It was soothing and it helped prevent acne. Unfortunately, Herbalife has stopped distributing aloe soothing gel in my country.
If you have burns, you can safely use aloe vera gel on the affected area. It is safe to use it on the face three times daily.
It’s also effective in alleviating psoriasis. It can relieve inflammation and itchiness. You may use it twice a day in the affected area.
However, even though aloe vera is beneficial to the skin, not every part of it is safe to be used. And because not all household has aloe plant, you may purchase OTC products that contain aloe vera.
Unfortunately, because aloe vera products aren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, you need to consider the type of product you are using.
Before you apply aloe vera to your skin, you should note the adverse reaction. Apply it first to a small part of your skin and observe if you develop an allergic reaction. There’s evidence that aloe may actually decrease your skin’s ability to heal.
When you apply it to your skin, you may experience itching or burning as the gel works in your skin.
You may also experience a rash. It can mean that you are sensitive to the gel. If that happens, stop using it immediately.
Although aloe vera is safe to use, it’s not safe to be applied on the infected skin. It may have anti-bacterial properties but the protective layer of the skin may disrupt the healing process. If this happens, it may make the infection worse.
It’s also not a good idea to apply this gel if you have a severe burn.
How Long Does Aloe Vera Take to Work on Skin?
If you’re applying to sunburned skin, it can take a few days before your skin completely heals. However, it can immediately alleviate the burning sensation because of the sunburn.
Since this is a home remedy, don’t expect immediate results. It can take a few days to weeks before you see results.
Then again, applying it to the face may cause a stinging or burning feeling. It’s especially true if you have sensitive skin. You should also be careful when you put it on your face as the skin may dry out. Thus, it’s advisable to rinse the gel after a few minutes.
Some people may also develop contact dermatitis after applying this gel topically. That’s why it’s imperative to do a patch test first. This will check your skin’s sensitivity.
Although it’s generally safe to use on the face, some people may develop an allergic reaction.
Read: How to Treat Aloe Vera Plant Poisoning?
Does Aloe Vera Lighten Skin?
It may lighten skin or eradicate skin imperfections. Thus, it may help in alleviate dark spots and patches.
Aloe vera is rich in vitamin C, which is known to brighten skin. It also nourishes the skin while it improves its skin texture. You can also use it as a tan remover.
If you wish to use it as a skin-lightening treatment, you can add two teaspoons of aloe vera gel to a spoon of lemon juice.
Mix the two ingredients.
Massage the mixture on your face for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
Use it daily for the best results.
But keep in mind that this mixture can be irritating on the skin because of the lemon included. If you experience a tingling sensation, rinse the mixture immediately.
Can I Put Aloe Directly on My Skin?
It is safe to apply aloe vera directly to your skin. But you need to perform a patch test first before applying it to the skin. This will help you determine whether or not you are allergic to aloe vera.
And to avoid making your aloe vera mixture, consider using OTC aloe vera products.
How aloe vera works on skin? It works by healing the skin from burns and cuts. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, thereby, being effective in treating acne.
To shop for aloe vera juice, please check out this product.
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